Thursday, June 12, 2008

Baby born drunk in Poland

(picture is not of baby in story)

Also Do keep in mind that when they say 15 times the adult drink drive limit that Poland's limit is .02 Blood Alcohol Level (approx. 1/2 a bottle of Zima) where as in the US its .08 Blood Alcohol Level (approx. 2 glasses of wine)

Courtesy of The Telegraph
Last Updated: 12:19PM BST 11/06/2008
By Nick Allen

A new born baby was found to be 15 times the adult drink drive limit after its Polish mother got drunk before the birth.

The mother was intoxicated during labour as she gave birth to a baby girl.

Doctors at a hospital in Otwock, on the outskirts of Warsaw, Poland called in police after the clearly-drunk expectant mother checked in to give birth on Monday.

Police spokeswoman Dorota Tietz said: "A blood test showed that the 38-year-old woman had a level of 1.2 grammes of alcohol at the time of birth."

A level of 1.2 grammes of alcohol per 1,000 grammes of blood is the equivalent of a bottle of wine or two litres of beer for an adult drinker but its impact is compounded in a new born's tiny body.

As a result, the infant was found to have a level of 2.9 grammes, police said.

The blood-alcohol limit for drivers in Poland is 0.2 grammes.

The mother, who has not been named, could now face up to five years in prison on charges of having endangered the life and health of her child, Tietz said.

She added: "The baby's life is not in immediate danger but doctors fear the impact on her development."

Doctors said the mother appeared obviously drunk before the birth and they will monitor the baby to see if there are ill effects.

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